Google Classroom Sync and Your School MIS

The harmonious coexistence of Google Classroom and a School MIS can significantly streamline your school’s educational processes. However, achieving seamless synchronisation between these two platforms requires careful planning and technical expertise for your Google Classroom sync.

Lornshill Academy - Google Classroom

Key Challenges in Google Classroom Sync

  1. Data Structure Mismatch: Google Classroom and SIS often have different data structures and schemas. This can lead to inconsistencies and difficulties in mapping data points between the two systems.
  2. Real-time Updates: Ensuring real-time updates between the two systems can be challenging, especially for large schools with frequent changes in student enrolment, class schedules, or teacher assignments.
  3. Data Privacy and Security: Protecting sensitive student data is paramount. Both Google Classroom and SIS have their own security measures, and ensuring that data is transferred securely between the two systems is crucial.
  4. Integration Complexity: Integrating Google Classroom with a SIS typically involves complex technical setups, including API connections, data mapping rules, and synchronisation schedules.
  5. Technical Support: Google Classroom, and your MIS may not provide significant support for synchronising data between the two systems. This is where having a company like Realsmart will really streamline the process and reduce workload on your IT Department.
  6. Deleted Users: When a user is deleted in Google, but not removed as Classroom Owner in Google Classroom, an orphaned class is created, an orphaned class cannot be modified in any way, until the deleted user is restored in Google Admin.


Realsmart’s Strategies for Successful Google Classroom Sync

  1. Data Mapping: We carefully map data points between Google Classroom and your MIS, ensuring that corresponding fields are correctly aligned.
  2. Custom Data: Through our Admin area, you can customise your Classroom Groups, adding additional teachers and students as you see fit.
  3. API Integration: We utilise the APIs provided by both Google Classroom and Wonde to establish a direct connection between the two systems. This allows for automated data exchange and updates.
  4. Synchronisation Frequency: We synchronise data from your MIS to Google multiple times per day, and any changes made from our admin area will propogate to Google Classroom within 10 minutes.
  5. Error Logging: Any errors that occur during a sync will be logged against your Classes, allowing you to pinpoint any issues (for example an orphaned Classroom), this can be viewed on a class by class basis in our admin tool.
  6. User Training: Realsmart provides training on how to best make use of Google Classroom in your school.
  7. Orphaned Classrooms: Our software limits orphaned Google Classrooms by switching the owner where possible to the user marked as Lead Teacher in your MIS. Sometimes a Classroom may still become orphaned, and in this case we can intervene and restore the old user in Google, before switching the classroom owner in our admin area.
  8. Regular Review and Updates: We regularly update and improve our Google Classroom Sync tools.

By using Realsmart, schools can achieve a successful synchronisation between Google Classroom and their MIS, leading to improved efficiency, data accuracy, and overall educational outcomes.

You can find out more about our offering here.