Multi Academy Trust (MAT) Websites
Featured Multi Academy Trust Website Designs
Build stronger relationships with your community.
Your multi academy trust website is the perfect platform to share your mission, achievements, and upcoming events.
Why a Realsmart School Trust Website?
Work with us to create a stunning school trust website that reflects your trust’s unique identity. Realsmart makes it easy to manage and interact with other sites within your Multi Academy Trust, fostering engagement and collaboration.
Effortless Content Management for Your Multi Academy Trust Website
Save time and effort with our automated tools designed for Multi Academy Trusts. Easily distribute content across multiple sites, freeing up your team to focus on other important work.
Save money and bring the whole Multi Academy Trust onboard
Simplify your trust’s website management with our tailored discounts and packages. By consolidating your sites under one platform, you’ll enjoy increased efficiency and convenience.
Access to our Multi Academy Trust Website Design Team
Our expert team is ready to help. Let us review your website and suggest improvements. Benefit from our knowledge and expertise to create a stunning online presence.