XP School
XP School is the brainchild of our CEO Gwyn ap Harri, in partnership with XP School trust we create models for the successful implementation of EdTech and share these throughout our network.

Google for Education
realsmart are a Google for Education partners, our products and services are deeply connected with G Suite for Education.
We also have Google Certified Trainers and Innovators to help you along the way.

ClickView is the leading video content resource for primary schools, secondary schools and further education settings. Access visually stunning, curriculum-aligned video content and teacher resources, plus contextual on-demand TV, your own video library and interactive question layers for formative assessment.

GCSE Pod and realsmart have a shared SSO. Providing the highest-quality content and assessment, teachers know they can rely on GCSE Pod to reduce their workload and help their students achieve more

World Class Schools
World Class Schools accredit schools whose students have successfully developed World Class characteristics with their Mark. Through unique real-life work experiences, access to a lifelong peer support network and cultural opportunities that take them beyond their local community, WCS give World Class students the confidence to overcome socio-economic barriers to recognise and achieve their potential.

realsmart use Wonde as our integration partner. Wonde manage the flow of data between your MIS and realsmart.